Yin Yoga a practice in mindfullness
The longer held poses in a Yin Yoga class may well be the secret ingredient in this practice. Yin benefits the body physiologically, holding the stress of the pose for a longer time, allowing the tissues to change shape and [...]
“You are only as young as your spine is flexible.”
The quote from Joseph Pilates merits thought. In a society that seems to be searching for the quick fix, the best fad diet, the easy way to exercise my thoughts are it doesn't exist. Everything is connected for me. I [...]
Karma from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
"In simple terms, what does karma mean? It means that whatever we do with our body, speech, or mind, will have a corresponding result. Each action even the smallest, is pregnant with its consequences. It is said by the masters [...]
Reflecting Back On 2018
As the current year comes to a close I have been reflecting back on my memories of 2018. I traveled, I made changes and learned many new things. There is a fear leaving the past year behind, an uncertainty, an [...]